International students
Let’s start with a short language lesson. In Germany, student services are known as Studentenwerke or das Studentenwerk in the singular form. Das Studentenwerk Osnabrück aims to make it as easy as possible for foreign students to settle in and live in Osnabrück, Vechta or Lingen. In Germany, student services, universities and universities of applied sciences all help and support students. Unlike in many other countries, however, the so-called Studentenwerke are not part of these universities and universities of applied sciences. They are their partners. Studentenwerke are independent organisations that offer students inexpensive accommodation, good food, free psychological and social counselling and organise numerous cultural events.
Like anywhere else in the world, "being new" often also means "being a bit lost". However, there are many people who will show you the way, for example through the jungle of German bureaucracy, the intricate grammar of the German language or the many small alleys of Germany’s beautiful old city centres.
It is best to go to the right contact person right from the start. Counselling and support services in Germany, like many other things, are quite specialised. Find out in advance who exactly can answer which questions.
If you have any questions about your studies the International Office of your university or university of applied sciences is always the first address for international students. These offices can answer questions such as how to enrol, how to apply for a visa or where to take out health insurance.
International Office of the University of Osnabrück
International Office of the University of Vechta
Das Studentenwerk Osnabrück is happy to help you with questions about our services: affordable accommodation, good food at fair prices, student financing and psychological and social counselling.
And if you do not know exactly who to contact, simply contact us. We certainly know who can help you.
Contact person for the topic "Housing":
Britta Ostrowski
+49 541 33107-30
Contact person for the topic "Student life":
Kristin Delfs
+49 541 96925-80
Online guide
We answer many questions in our online guide for international students:
Tutors for internationals
Our dedicated tutors are happy to help with questions and problems.
No room for discrimination and violence!
We want to counteract sexualised violence on campus through educational work. As a responsible service provider, we are committed to providing our students with information and support. By raising awareness of this issue, we hope to encourage mindful and respectful interaction with one another.