Parent/Child Café
The Parent/Child Café is a networking opportunity where student parents can get to know each other, exchange ideas and network. Expectant parents are also very welcome. It is not necessary to register in advance, just drop by.
The next dates:
- Wednesday, 04.12.2024 from 3:15 - 4:30 pm in the family room of the Mensa am Westerberg (on the ground floor on the left)
- Wednesday, 08.01.2025 from 15:15 - 16:30 in the family room of the Mensa am Westerberg (on the ground floor on the left)
- Wednesday, 05.02.2025 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. in the family-friendly learning environment on the Caprivi campus (Caprivistraße 30a, room number CL 0014)
In addition, the study group Studying with a Family of the Family Alliance of the Osnabrück region cordially invites you to an online information event on 28.11.2024 from 16:30 - 17:30. Here, students with child(ren) or care responsibilities, parents-to-be and prospective students will receive information and tips on topics such as study organisation, childcare and study financing. In addition to gathering important information, the aim is also to get to know each other and make contacts. You are very welcome to bring in your own topics and questions.
The event is aimed at all students of the University of Osnabrück and the University of Applied Sciences and is open to other interested parties. Registration is not required.
The online event takes place every semester. The date for the upcoming summer semester 2025 will be announced shortly.
We look forward to your participation and exchange.